Threat of a Warming Gulf of Mexico
Benji Jones explains the threat caused by ocean warming to Florida's Gulf Coast.
-DDLabels: Global warming, Gulf of Mexico
Information Sources & Information Sifting Techniques
I am a retired librarian, most recently serving at Indiana Wesleyan University's Cleveland Education Center.
Benji Jones explains the threat caused by ocean warming to Florida's Gulf Coast.
-DDLabels: Global warming, Gulf of Mexico
Adam Clark Estes explains how freezing your credit lines can guard against data breaches .
-DDLabels: Credit Freeze, Credit Report, Data breaches
Richard DiCicco explains how to brew coffee over an open fire . This would be useful in any enviroment without the electricity used by coffee making devices.
-DDKelsey Piper suggests that some types of fraud by scientists should be criminalized . She cites the example of Don Poldermans, a researcher who promoted treatment guidelines employing harmful heart medication may have killed 800,000 patients in Europe alone (see Kendricks, 2014. Malcolm Kendricks uses this case to highlight that a peer reviewed research result suggests, but does not prove, the validity of a therapy.
-DDLabels: fraud, peer review
Gideon Lasco writes about the relationship between physical height and perceived political stature.
-DDLabels: Height, Politicians
Jaime Ducharme advises on delaying or avoiding dementia :
Brenda Barbosa suggests that taking notes in thoughtful silence is key to delivering smart answers and results in more productive (and pleasant) meetings. Waiting your turn to speak is more gracious than interrupting, and often helps you integrate into a new team or social group.
-DDAhra Ko and Steven Neuberg explore individual behavior that conveys resistance to disease .
-DDLabels: behavior, Infection rates, Political beliefs, Vaccine hesitancy
Terry Welch writes about the 2001
boiler explosion
of an antique tractor at the Medina (OH) Fairgrounds. Five people were killed, and many more were injured.
The explosion was caused by an inadequate supply of water in the tractor's boiler, as well as botched boiler maintenance that deactivated plugs designed to blow before the boiler pressure reached a dangerous level.
Labels: Railroads, Steam locomotives, Traction engines
Kaycee Hill provides a quick introduction to ChatGPT . I found that you can do simple queries using the chat box at the bottom of the screen for no charge and no login.
-DDMike Prospero offers three tips for restoring profitability to Amazon's smart speaker business .
-DDLabels: Amazon, Profitability, Smart speakers
Edith Nally muses on the nature of love in relationships , citing the work of Gary Lewandowski Jr. and others.
-DDLabels: Love, Relationships
Matthew Jackson has curated a list of the 30 Best [U.S.] Comedy Movies . Additionally, Rotten Tomatoes has created a list of 150 Essential Comedy Movies. Remember, laughter is like medicine.
-DDAndrew Paul comments on the health of the environment when a solar farm is constructed.
-DDLabels: environment, Solar power
Alex Wellerstein created the Nukemap : an online map which allows one to estimate the impact of a bomb explosion at a specific point.
-DDLabels: maps, Nuclear weapons
Andrea Wenglowskyj writes about Ukrainian scouting camps in New York state .
Ethnic Hungarians also hold a scout camp each summer outside Fillmore, New York.
-DDLabels: Ukrainian scouting
Pete warns notes that air turbulance injories are becoming more common.
-DDLabels: Air turbulance, Commercial aviation