Knowledge Handler

Information Sources & Information Sifting Techniques

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Location: Cleveland, Ohio, United States

I am a retired librarian, most recently serving at Indiana Wesleyan University's Cleveland Education Center.

Friday, January 31, 2020

Artificial Intelligence and Judgement

Daniel Goleman and Yuhyun Park explore the ethical boundaries of artificial intelligence .

The authors suggest that judgement requires five steps, and artificial intelligence is only competent to deal with the first two. These five steps are:

  1. gathering the data we have (information gathering and synthesis);
  2. developing information that we do not have (prediction);
  3. judging based on prediction (judgement);
  4. making decisions based on judgement calls (decision); and,
  5. acting based on the chosen decision (action).


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Thursday, January 30, 2020

Improving Memory

Catherine Carouso shares research based tips for improving memorization . Subjects who had specific training in linking names or numbers to spacial locations were better able to remember the data.



Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Google Clothing Search

Denise Ho reveals a new Google clothing search tool.


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Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Online Courses for Success

Jessica Stillman promotes a number of online courses which might foster an individual's success.


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Monday, January 27, 2020

Recycling Clothing

Karen Toulon discusses the financial benefits of used clothing . In a related vein, Adam Minter notes that the market for recycled clothes is shrinking.


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Sunday, January 26, 2020


Emily Monaco explains how the outlook of the typical American is more focused on emotion and intentions than the typical Francophone. She bolsters support for this view by noting that there is no easy way to translate the word English word excitement (in the sense of joyful anticipation of the future) into a French word with positive connotations.

Monaco explains that cultural values result in people presenting themselves differently:

For Julie Barlow, Canadian co-author of The Story of French and The Bonjour Effect, this is largely due to the implied enthusiasm in the word ‘excited’, something that’s not sought after in French culture. She notes that Francophone Canadians, culturally North American rather than French, find work-arounds such as ‘Ça m’enthousiasme’ (‘It enthuses me’).

'[The French] don't appreciate in conversation a kind of positive, sunny exuberance that's really typical of Americans and that we really value,' Barlow explained. 'Verbally, ‘I'm so excited’ is sort of a smile in words. French people prefer to come across as kind of negative, by reflex.'

In reflecting on the French focus on the present, I infer that marketing items with a future reward (lotteries or a blissful afterlife) might require a different approach than in the United States.


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Saturday, January 25, 2020

Rating Rivers

Dan Kopf writes about how Google Map reviews include individual's ratings of rivers from around the world.


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Friday, January 24, 2020

Retirement Savings

Alana Semuels reports that many seniors have insufficient retirement savings .


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Thursday, January 23, 2020

Phone Usage and Cognitive Health

Rauber, Fox and Gatys (2019) have discerned that patterns of mobile phone usage suggest the user's cognitive health .


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Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Book Curses

Sarah Laskow describes the history of medieval book curses .


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Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Fostering Student Engagement

Sarah Rose Cavanagh shares tips for student engagement . These are:

  • Linking emotionally is vital.
  • Your persona and performance matter.
  • Humans are motivated by community.
  • Stories are our ‘Most Natural Form of Thought.’


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Monday, January 20, 2020

Is Success the Result of Talent or Luck?

MIT's Emerging Technology from the arXiv highlighted the role of chance in human success. The article summarizes the research results of Pluchino, Biondo and Rapisarda as reported in "Talent vs. Luck: The Role of Randomness in Success or Failure".


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Sunday, January 19, 2020


Ed Yong writes about lichens and symbiosis . In an earlier article, Yong (2016) wrote about the research of Toby Spribille, who showed that the lichens he studied were formed of three, not two, species.


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Saturday, January 18, 2020

Lead Poisoning

Andrew Zaleski writes about the dangers of lead paint. .



Friday, January 17, 2020

Full Night's Sleep

Scott Young suggests five ideas for getting to sleep at a reasonable time.



Thursday, January 16, 2020

Ace the Interview Process

Amy Elisa Jackson warns against using these phrases in a job interview :

  1. Offer to take any role.
  2. Immediately take the offered salary.
  3. Badmouth your former company or boss.
  4. Attempt to reschedule the interview at the last minute.
  5. Complain about the interview process.


Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Global Warming

Sarah Holder offers maps showing areas projected to be hurt by global warming .


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Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Open Source in Visual Design Work

Margot Douaihy interviews Sishir Bommakanti about using open source graphics design software which competes with Photoshop.


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Monday, January 13, 2020

Pesticide Regulation

Forrest Crellin reports on public reaction to restricting the use of pesticides near homes.


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Sunday, January 12, 2020

Dog Parks

Laura Bliss examines the proliferation of dog parks and the contention they cause.


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Saturday, January 11, 2020

Coping With Air Pollution in Northern India

Annie Banerje reports on commercial responses to the incredible air pollution found in northern India during the summer months.


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Friday, January 10, 2020

Personal Productivity

Gwen Moran offers guidance on personal productivity .



Thursday, January 09, 2020

Story Telling Tips

Anett Grant encourages storytellers to model several habits:

  1. Be concise;
  2. Show, don't tell;< AND,/li>
  3. Include dialog.



Wednesday, January 08, 2020

Text Messaging and Security

Evan Schuman chides a firm handling SMS in the United States for storing text messages without security .


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Tuesday, January 07, 2020

The Future of Research Journals

Giacomo Mancini and Susannah Beatty-Tucker discuss the future of Research Journals in an Elsevier podcast.


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Monday, January 06, 2020

iOS 13 Advice

Johnny Evans offers iOS 13 tips .


Sunday, January 05, 2020

Inciting Love

Melanie Curtin reports on how increasingly personal communication can lead to feelings of attachment and love . The article is based on the 1997 findings of experiments conducted by Arthur Aron, Edward Melinat, Elaine Aron, Robert Vallone and Renee Bantor which were reported in the New York Times.


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Saturday, January 04, 2020

Weak Metacognition

Kat Eschner analyzed Stephen Fleming's research on metacognition and strongly-held beliefs.


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"Strolling" in French

Emily Monaco presents her argument that the word "flâner " (to observe while searching, as in wandering through a bookstore or library) explains a characteristic of French culture.

This might be a more concise term than "browsing" or "serendipity searching" on the web.


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Web Apps

I am researching whether our website would benefit from a companion (or replacement) web app. I have started my research using YouTube, and came up with some relevant information....

Google Developer's Page - Progressive Web App Checklist:


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Friday, January 03, 2020

A Dozen Android Tips

J.R. Raphael provides Android tips .



Thursday, January 02, 2020

Opposition to Church Growth

Amy Gunia notes that church growth is resulting in opposition in China.



Surveillance of University Students

Drew Harwell discusses the growing administrative acceptance of tracking student attendance and location using by placing surveillance apps on their smartphones.


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Wednesday, January 01, 2020


David Robson writes about research bases memorization technique that could help almost everyone.


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