Knowledge Handler
Information Sources & Information Sifting Techniques
About Me
- Name: David Dial
- Location: Cleveland, Ohio, United States
I am a retired librarian, most recently serving at Indiana Wesleyan University's Cleveland Education Center.
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Friday, July 29, 2016
Two Factor SMS Authentication
Michael Kan reports that two-factor SMS authentication is no longer secure. According to Kan, a report from the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology recommends that two-factor authentication messages should only be received by a secure app.
Labels: data security, Two factor authentication
Thursday, July 28, 2016
The Value of Coding Skills
Sarah White recounts the value of learning to code , even when it is not part of your job description.
-DDLabels: Coding training, Employment
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Website Access Rights
Evan Schuman interprets a U.S. court ruling
which says that website owners can refuse to allow others to post blog comments, etc. -DDTuesday, July 26, 2016
Educational apps
School librarian Michelle Luhtala created a list of educational apps which have been posted by Katrina Schwartz.
-DDLabels: Educational Apps
Monday, July 25, 2016
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Wi-Fi Troubleshooting
Keith Shaw suggests how to configure a home Wi-Fi network . In a related post from 2013, Sandro Villinger suggested how to deal with slow Wi-Fi.
-DDLabels: home security, Networking, Wi-Fi
Saturday, July 23, 2016
Friday, July 22, 2016
Business Intelligence
Sharon Machlis provides business intelligence resources that could be of value to archives and researchers which need to visualize data.
-DDLabels: business intelligence
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Timely Teaching
Nichole Matos emphasizes the importance of reponding in a timely manner to students.
-DDLabels: teaching, Timeliness
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Private Browsing Mode Caveats
Alan Zeichick shows the weaknesses of private browsing mode implementations.
-DDLabels: 64-bit web browsers, Private browsing
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Statistics Needed for Adult Education
David Radwin presses for more data gathering on adult education . Mandated statistics do not break out non-traditional students (working adults), and this population takes far longer to reach graduation than the traditional full-time students.
-DDLabels: Adult Education, non-traditional learning
Monday, July 18, 2016
Sunday, July 17, 2016
Saturday, July 16, 2016
New Internet Domains Are Malware Havens
Tom Henderson reports that hackers seem to be the most common users of new domains such as .XYZ -- the new domain names are not superseeding the .COM domain for business purposes, which was their original intent. Thor Olavsrud prepared a slideshow illustrating the shadiest domains, based on data from Blue Coat Systems.
-DDLabels: cyber security, Internet domain names
Friday, July 15, 2016
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Microsoft Windows 10
Howard Wen has developed a slideshow documenting the features in the new Windows 10 update
.Galen Gruman has posted articles on accessing Microsoft Office 365 and OneDrive from many devices. "Insider" status (obtained by providing your email) is required to view the Gruman articles in their entirety.
-DDLabels: Microsoft Windows 10
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
"Flow" Transportation Initiative
Jon Markham suggests that companies will use Google sensor technology to ease traffic congestion and monatize parking throughout a city. Smart metering would allow pricing for parking to vary depending on the time of day.
Sidewalk, a Google subdivision, has a project called Flow which would streamline parking space and transportation usage while providing city governments with income.
-DDLabels: Flow transportation initiative
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Coping With the Stress of the Job Search
Boyda Johnstone address the stress of seeking employment and suggests these steps for self-care:
- Cultivate friendships, but,
- Schedule time alone.
- Talk out your concerns with mentors, but,
- Keep your general conversation focused on others, not your struggle.
- Exercise self-compassion.
Labels: Job Search, Psychological stress
Monday, July 11, 2016
Skype Updates
Blair Frank announces advances in Slype file sharing . Files can now be sent when the recipient is offline, giving Skype some of the functionality of e-mail or file sharing services.
Frank also notes that Skype for Business now allows three particpants to communicate for free (and up to ten during a trial period). Skype for Business is replacing Microsoft's Lync service, and is available for PC and Mac.
Labels: File sharing, Skype
Sunday, July 10, 2016
Saturday, July 09, 2016
Living Without a GUI
Bryan Lunduke found living without a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to be intolerable after ten days, because our user experience is now so visual. He shared software, some with roots in the 1980's, which provided a form of user experience, but it was extremely cumbersome to command the computer using only text.
-DDLabels: Command Shell, Internet, MS-DOS
Friday, July 08, 2016
Home Security With Teens
Josh Fruhlinger suggests reaching out to the teens in your family so they are aware of the security consequences of some common online behavior.
Labels: adolescents, home security, teens
Thursday, July 07, 2016
Nexar Dash Camera
Mark Gibbs introduces Nexar's dashcam app, which uses an iPhone as a camera with motion and location sensors. As Gibbs mentions, there are privacy issues with recording and making publically available the driving behaviors of those around you, but there is also the benefit of greater accountability for bad behavior.
-DDLabels: dash cam, dashboard camera, iPhone apps
Wednesday, July 06, 2016
Dan Russell has a blog which teaches students how to search Google and other databases.
-DDLabels: SearchResearch
Tuesday, July 05, 2016
What Technology Leaders Are Reading
Mary K. Pratt asked technology executives about their summer reading and shares the responses.
-DDLabels: reading, recreation
Monday, July 04, 2016
Anacreon in Heaven
Joao Rocha shares the 18th Century song Anacreon in Heaven, the musical ancestor of the U.S. National Anthem.
Rocha offers the following comments on the tune, as well as the lyrics:
The song was written for the Anacreontic Society, probably around 1771. The tune (...) is now thought to have been written "collectively" by members of the society, led by John Stafford Smith (...). The society met every two weeks to get drunk, sing songs and to indulge in some debauchery. Anacreon himself was a Greek poet from about 570BC who was noted for his erotic poetry (...) and his drinking songs.
To Anacreon in Heav'n, where he sat in full glee,
A few sons of harmony sent in a petition
That he their Inspirer and patron would be;
When this answer arriv'd from the Jolly Old Grecian "Voice, fiddle and flute, "no longer be mute,
"I'll lend you my name and inspire you to boot,
"And, besides, I'll instruct you, like me, to intwine
"The Myrtle of Venus with Bacchus's Vine."
Ye Sons of Anacreon, then join hand in hand;Source: ; Song performed by John Townley, from "The Top Hits Of 1776", Adelphi Records; Picture: "Drinking-song", Mihály Zichy, 1874 -DD
Preserve unanimity, friendship and love!
'Tis yours to support what's so happily plann'd;
You've the sanction of Gods and the fiat of Jove.
While thus we agree Our toast let it be:
"May our club flourish happy, united and free!
"And long may the sons of Anacreon intwine
"The Myrtle of Venus with Bacchus's Vine."
Labels: Anacreon in Heaven, July 4
Sunday, July 03, 2016
Reasons for Optimism
Peter Diamandis offers data that suggests that the world is getting to be a better place .
-DDSaturday, July 02, 2016
Chips as Spies
Patrick Nelson suggests that computer chips in devices have the potential to be used for spying . Christof Paar has prepared graphics to illustrated the potential.
-DDLabels: computer chips, spying
Friday, July 01, 2016
Technology and Fashion
Michelle Davidson's slideshow provides examples of how technology is changing fashion design .
-DDLabels: Fashion design, technology