Knowledge Handler

Information Sources & Information Sifting Techniques

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Location: Cleveland, Ohio, United States

I am a retired librarian, most recently serving at Indiana Wesleyan University's Cleveland Education Center.

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Change Management

Susan Vroman and Tiffany Danko suggest that the COVID experience is an opportunity for companies to develop their employees skills with change management .


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Saturday, February 27, 2021

Academic Writing

Rebecca Schuman answers questions about academic writing and work-life balance .


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Friday, February 26, 2021

Vaccine Acceptance

Elizabeth Redden writes about vaccine mistrust , which is especially prevelent in minority communities. Redden speaks with respected leaders about earning trust.


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Thursday, February 25, 2021

Turbulance in the Workplace

Lisette Hilton writes about "turbulance " - the impact of unforseen challenges in the workplace - that can degrade performance. The concept of 'workplace turbulance' apparently was first defined in U.S. nursing literature by Jennifer Browne and Carrie Jo Braden in 2020.


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Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Mac Computing as a Service

Johnny Evans announces that the French firm Scaleway is renting access to a virtual Apple Mac Mini to customers around the world.


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Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Assessing the Online Student Workload

Beth McCurtrie writes about assessing the student workload during the pandemic. McCurtrie draws the majority of her concepts from an essay by Betsy Barre which examines how online courses have changed how students perceive their workloads.


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Monday, February 22, 2021


Peter Economy summarizes summarizes Tim Urban's TED Talk on procrastination.


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Sunday, February 21, 2021

Conscious Universe

Philip Goff muses about the possibility that our university might have a drive or consciousness to increase complexity, to establish the physical conditions for life .


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Saturday, February 20, 2021

Mobile Phone Security

Evan Schuman reports on the state of mobile security , with his comments based on a 2021 report issued by Maximilian Zinkus, Tushar M. Jois, and Matthew Green of Johns Hopkins University.


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Friday, February 19, 2021

Apple, Google: Increasing User Privacy

Marl Gurman and Nico Grant report on Google's Android OS will be adding some privacy features of Apple's iOS devices, giving users more control of cross-application data sharing . According to Gurman and Grant (2021):

Apple is adding a new feature called App Tracking Transparency. The tool lets consumers choose whether apps can collect data about them across other apps and websites. The imminent move has shaken the digital advertising industry. Facebook Inc. and other companies have complained the feature will limit their ability to effectively serve personalized ads and generate revenue.

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Thursday, February 18, 2021

Sanity and Hyper-Sanity

Neel Burton describes the "hyper-sane" who are aware of new opportunities .

Both psychosis and hypersanity place us outside society, making us seem ‘mad’ to the mainstream. Both states attract a heady mixture of fear and fascination. But whereas mental disorder is distressing and disabling, hypersanity is liberating and empowering (Burton, 2019, para. 7).

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Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Android Keyboard Apps

J.R. Raphael explains the strength of Android's keyboard app . He also talks about Google's GBoard keyboard in a related post.


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Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Demand for Online Classes is Up

Goldie Blumenstyk reviews the statistics, and she sees growth in online education . Quoting Richard Garrett on the enrollment changes, and the growth in degree program admissions over credentials:

Clearly the pandemic is altering those trajectories. While many lower-income people, including those hit by furloughs and layoffs, gave up on attending college last fall, lots of early-career professionals were in a different boat. They were able to continue working, often from home, and maybe even found themselves with a little more free time. Garrett’s theory is that thousands of these people decided, “This is the time to invest in myself, come what may,” and enrolled in an online master’s program. “The pandemic,” he said, “gave them an extra shove.”


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Monday, February 15, 2021

Meats, Fruits and Vegetables

A. C. Shilton has attempted to develop a list of superfoods . At the top of his list, Shilton recommends:

  1. Blueberries
  2. Tumeric
  3. Salmon


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Sunday, February 14, 2021

Grammar Complexity

John Mcwhorter examines efficiency in language .



Saturday, February 13, 2021


Natalie Wolchover interviews mathematical physicist Cohl Furey about Octonion numbers , a set if numbers discovered by John Graves in 1843. The behaviour of these numbers has analogs with the forces in the physical world. This has allowed Furey to create "an octonionic model of both the strong and electromagnetic forces."

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Friday, February 12, 2021

Contingency Planning

Meredith Pallante shares the importance of having developed in advance a contingency plan to cope with emergencies.


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Thursday, February 11, 2021

Lung Cancer and Smoking

Rebecca Sohn reports that lung cancer is on the rise among patients who have never smoked .


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Google Chrome Operating System Improvements

J. R. Raphael unveils new features of the Chrome OS .



Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Virtual Icebreakers

Tricia Richards-Service offers icebreaker tips which work in virtual environment.


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Drug Costs

Nicholas Florko describes Emma Keck's trip to Canada for affordable pharmaceuticals .


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Tuesday, February 09, 2021

Teacher Burnout

Flower Darby writes about faculty burnout , a topic of special urgency with the demands of teaching online due to COVID.


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Gandalf as a Role Model

Louis Markos reviews Philip Ryken's The Messiah Comes to Middle-Earth: Images of Christ's Threefold Office in The Lord of the Rings . Ryken opines that a Christian leader/educator should seek to have discernment like Gandalf's to wisely serve his community.


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Monday, February 08, 2021

The Darien Gap

Jason Motlagh exposes the bitter experience of refugees crossing Columbia's Darien Gap .


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Sunday, February 07, 2021

Struggle and Victory

Jesus Jimenez suggests six books to those facing challenges .


Helium Reserve

The National Academies Press published Selling the Nation's Helium Reserve (2010) explaining the loss of America's Helium, an irreplaceable resource.



Saturday, February 06, 2021

Document Management

Susan Ward explains how to keep your documents organized .


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Friday, February 05, 2021


Ron Lammle writes about the history of Zork .


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Thursday, February 04, 2021

Google Assistant Commands for Chromebooks

J. R. Raphael reviews useful commands for Google Assistant .


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Wednesday, February 03, 2021

Business Casual

Deirdre Clemente provides tells of the genesis of business casual in the computer firms of Silicon Valley.


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Tuesday, February 02, 2021

ADHD and Women

Noelle Faulkner shares how attention deficit disorder is often overlooked in girls , with the result they do not obtain the treatment they need in their formative years.


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Doctorial Advising

Leonard Cassuto recommends that doctorial advising needs to prepare students for a world where marketing oneself broadly is essential.



Monday, February 01, 2021

The Fate of the Suburbs

Shayla Love interviewed architects June Williamson and Ellen Dunham-Jones, authors of the book Case Studies in Retrofitting Suburbia: Urban Design Strategies for Urgent Challenges. According to Love, demographic changes have reduced the market for the low housing density of the traditional suburb, creating momentum to re-purpose some suburban structures.


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