Knowledge Handler

Information Sources & Information Sifting Techniques

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Location: Cleveland, Ohio, United States

I am a retired librarian, most recently serving at Indiana Wesleyan University's Cleveland Education Center.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Flipped Education

Salman Khan, founder of Khan Academy, presents himself as an advocate of "flipped " education, wherein the student watches video lectures at home and then in the classroom attempts to apply what was transmitted.



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Microsoft Announces Enterprise Mobility Suite

Tim Greene reports on Microsoft's announcement of Enterprise Mobility Suite , which offers corporate users a single sign on for over a thousand apps on desktops and selected mobile devices.


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Sunday, March 30, 2014

Mental Workouts

Jennifer Miller imparts five exercises to make a person smarter .



Tips For Instilling a Love of Reading

Donalyn Miller provides "Five Teaching Tips for Helping Students Become 'Wild Readers' " - tips that should apply to readers of all ages



Saturday, March 29, 2014

Visualizing Migration

Jessica Leber provides an infographic showing migration trends .


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Friday, March 28, 2014

Federal Grant Applications

Karen M. Markin discusses changes in Federal grant applications .


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Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Impact (and Marketing) of Classroom Technology

W. Chapman McCray shares concerns about the siren song of technology . One commentator's response dealt with the loss of focus from technology such as mobile phones, citing Sydney Fulbright's short essay "Cell Phones in the Classroom."


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Infographics in PowerPoint

Desmond Wong shares infographics that teach the creation of infographics in PowerPoint.



Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Google Apps

Jon Gold reports that Google Apps now have a role in millions of corporate or higher education workplaces.



Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Microsoft System Utilities

Tim Green shares 10 Microsoft utilities of use to system administrators.



Monday, March 24, 2014

History of the Web

Serdar Yegulalp offers a look at captured images of early websites .



Sunday, March 23, 2014

United States Immigration

The New York Times has developed an interactive map displaying immigration data over time.


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Saturday, March 22, 2014

Twitter for Educators

Becky Krill tells new teachers how to use Twitter .


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Thursday, March 20, 2014

IPv6 Security

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has released a publication called "Guidelines for the Secure Deployment of IPv6 ."
IPv4 (the current addressing standard for the Internet) has a limited number of addresses for identifying things (computers, devices, etc.) on the Internet, and the store of unused addresses is almost exhausted. The move to a larger addressing scheme is readily admitted, but security problems need to be avoided during the move from the old to new addressing methods.


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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Security Tips

Robert Mitchell suggests actions to maintain personal security .


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Wireless Capacity and 5G Standards

Craig Mathias suggests that mobile carriers will be more concerned about the capacity of their network than the speed of their network as 5G mobile data is developed. The number of devices using a finite amount of wireless spectrum is increasing rapidly, forming a cap on network growth with current technologies.


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Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Fredric Paul shares observations about cyberwar and what can be done to mitigate the threats.



Monday, March 17, 2014

Ethics of Handling Patient Information

Arthur Captan discusses the moral issues that result from "Googling Patients ."


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Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Open Bible

The Open Bible visually depicts over 300,000 cross references to Bible events and people .


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Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Value of Higher Education

Bob Pritchett notes that some autodidacts do not need college to succeed . He also shares success tips for those who want to maximize their college experience.


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The Crimean War

Philip Jenkins reveals that the Crimean War had religious elements as well as a secular motivation.


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Friday, March 14, 2014

Video Collaboration Tools

Mary Janzen shares about video collaboration tools such as Oovoo and Skype.


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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Internet Safety Poster for Educators

" Keeping Kids Safe Online" is a graphic recommended by Tech&Learning.


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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Tools for Tutors

Melissa Burns shares "Ten Tools for Tutors ." These include everything from citation creators to video creation tools like Jing.


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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Backgrounds and Beliefs of College Freshmen

The University of California at Los Angeles has been gathering data on the backgrounds and beliefs of college freshman for about fifty years. The Chronicle of Higher Education has compiled this in an interactive format.


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Monday, March 10, 2014


Elisabeth Pyatt shares tips for using TurnItIn , a plagiarism checker which with the Grademark add-on has been expended into a grading tool.


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Sunday, March 09, 2014

Flaws in the Proposed Postsecondary Institution Rating System

Jonah Newman has analyzed flaws in the proposed Post Secondary Institution Rating System , noting that using post-graduation earnings to determine funding availability is seriously flawed if one values a liberal arts education.



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Saturday, March 08, 2014

Learning Objectives

Robert Talbert stresses the importance of written objectives when developing instructional materials. He writes in the context of employing the "flipped classroom" (that is, where the students get video lectures at home and do "homework" in the classroom), but the principles apply to any learning environment.


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Video Editing Apps for Android Phones

J.R. Raphael shares the best five video editing apps for Android phones . He recommends:

  • Android Vid
  • KineMaster Pro
  • Video Maker Pro Free
  • Vidtrim
  • WeVideo


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Friday, March 07, 2014

Personal Information and Corporate Trust

Marc Ferranti notes that trust issues are a large issue for Web sites that use personal data . Storing personal information allows a Web site to offer a personalized shopping experience, but concerns about data breaches or corporate sale of personal information clouds this advantage.


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Online Video Editors

Nick Smerker shares about online video editors . This technology, exemplified by YouTube, allows beginners to experiment with video editing without a large budget.


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Thursday, March 06, 2014


Justin Ferriman shares a SCORM infographic which explains this training/learning model.



Wednesday, March 05, 2014


Kristen Hicks has written a post about LibGuides , a platform for standardized web documents for information sharing.


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Sunday, March 02, 2014

SVG Tools

Paul Krill shares eight SVG creation and editing tools .


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Saturday, March 01, 2014

Peculiar Music

Don Carroll has posted a video clip that demonstrated how old technology can be repurposed in an amazing way. In this case, he has taken a 24-pin dot matrix printer and caused it to play MIDI music. Comments on his pages indicate he can rig the printer up to a keyboard to function as a "live" instrument.



"Eye of the tiger" on dot matrix printer from MIDIDesaster on Vimeo.

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Agile Development Practices

Sharon Florentine of CIO magazine explains how to use agile development practices to avert project failure.


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