Knowledge Handler

Information Sources & Information Sifting Techniques

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Location: Cleveland, Ohio, United States

I am a retired librarian, most recently serving at Indiana Wesleyan University's Cleveland Education Center.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Aging Faculty

Jasper McChesney and Jacqueline Bichsel provide statistics on the greying professorial population at U.S. universities.


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Monday, June 29, 2020

Toward Economic Recovery

Goldie Blumenstyk writes about how the current recession harms the prospects of new graduates, especially first generation minority students. She calls for efforts to help the economically challenged succeed, as a groundswell of economic success by the poor will bring economic growth to those at all income levels.


Sunday, June 28, 2020

Drive-In Churches

Andrew Chow writes about the current movement to drive-in churches to limit coronavirus exposure. And Daniel Silliman provides a history of the drive-in church movement, starting in 1955 with Robert Schuller's drive-in church, the Crystal Cathedral.


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Alumni Help New Graduates Find Work

Melissa Ezarik writes about an initiative at Beloit College.


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Saturday, June 27, 2020

Cloth Masks Hinder Viral Spread

Linda Carroll explains research showing that cloth masks can hinder the spread of Coronavirus.


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Friday, June 26, 2020

The Art of "No"

Robin Bernstein offers strategies for declining commitments . These include:

  • Suggest another qualified person who may see this as an opportunity
  • Don't explain your reason
  • Do explain your reason.

Bernstein suggests it is important to have internal guidelines regarding when to accept invitations. Having a personal policy for accepting or refusing commitments prevents agonizing when asked for a decision.



Thursday, June 25, 2020

Professorial Parenting

Jessica Early and Trisalyn Nelson provide tips for professors with young children . They recommend a couple keep expectations conservative, that they should strive for efficiency, and integrate work and family activities where possible.


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Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Conditions for Cheap Air Fare

Barbara Paterson lists what needs to happen for airline ticket prices to be inexpensive . She anticipates that airlines will tend to reduce the size of their fleets and raise ticket prices. But if the glut of unused planes is sold within the United States, they might be purchased by discount carriers such as Breeze, creating a resurgence in the discount market.



Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Lessons from the Pandemic

Mary Hinton describes lessons education leaders received from the coronavirus pandemic.

      The gift of a renewed focus on community
      The gift of clarity on what matters
      The gift of strategic surrender
      The gift of listening
      The gift of imperfection.

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Monday, June 22, 2020

Collateralized Loan Obligations

Frank Partnoy calls attention to a threat to the financial system caused by risky investments spawned by a desire to maximize profits.


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Sunday, June 21, 2020

Inclusion and Protests

Johnathan Flowers promotes retaining courses on race and gender despite the current academic revenue declines. Flowers predicts if efforts at inclusion falter, there will be student protests.


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Bible Study Software

Kevin Purcell reviews five software packages to help an individual study the Bible . For a less critical list of Bible software packages which is not Windows-centered, check this link.


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Saturday, June 20, 2020

Standout Virtual Events

Keith Johnston suggests that marketing a virtual event requires these conditions be met:

  • Select the right "venue."
  • Engage your audience before the event.
  • Poll your audience, speakers and sponsors for topics receiving enthusiastic interest.
  • Help speakers engage attendees.
  • Create compelling learning outcomes.
  • Develop a format that benefits attendees.
  • Avoid one-size-fits all delivery.
  • Make it a never-ending event.

I think the final point (that content should be posted for those unable to attend) is valuable for research results. On the other hand, I think that commercial event content should have an expiration date, if for no other reason that services and price-points change rapidly. Leaving stale commercial data posted is asking for customer disapointment.


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Friday, June 19, 2020

Android Calendar Apps

J.R. Raphael recommends the best Android calendar apps.


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Thursday, June 18, 2020

The Post-COVID Economy

Steve LeVine peers into the future of the world economy , and foresees more unemployment due to both the disruption of small employers and the automation of large employers.


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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Deceased Debtors

Sarah O'Brien tells how unpaid debts are handled when the debtor is deceased .


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Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Gaming History

Matthew Guida explains how "Reacting to the Past" educational games made an American History course come alive for students. History teacher Pamela Walker and librarian Martha Attridge Bufton worked together to develop added content for Greenwich Village 1913.


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Monday, June 15, 2020

Videoconferencing With Microsoft Teams

Howard Wen provides guidance for videoconferencing using Microsoft Teams .


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Sunday, June 14, 2020

Discovering the Common Good

Christopher Beem muses that the coronavirus is teaching us the value of the common good.



Saturday, June 13, 2020

Conspiracy Theories

John Cook, Sander van der Linden, Stephan Lewandowsky and Ullrich Ecker have researched and classified what draws individuals to conspiracy theories. These include:

  1. Contradictory beliefs
  2. Overriding suspicion
  3. Nefarious intent
  4. Conviction something’s wrong
  5. Persecuted victim
  6. Immunity to evidence
  7. Reinterpreting randomness


Friday, June 12, 2020

Interstellar Matter

J. Xavier Prochaska and Jean-Pierre Macquart found evidence of interstellar matter first predicted a generation ago.


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Thursday, June 11, 2020

Printing From an Apple Mac

Johnny Evans provides tips for Apple Mac users on printing .


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Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Android Password Managers

J. R. Raphael provides an overview of Android password managers .

My biggest concern about password management software is that lazy people grow into relying on the automated provision of passwords which occurs on their phone or home computer when it is working properly. The rub occurs when the personal device is NOT working properly, and a password has to be remembered to access or configure a new device. If a person has not documented their user credentials on a piece of paper, a lapse of memory can leave a person unproductive.


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Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Asynchronous E-Learning

Flower Darby gives five tips for adding asynchronous learning to an online course.


Monday, June 08, 2020

Web Site Design

Sam Goree reports on research showing that website design is developing specific conventions or visual conformity. Goree notes that standardization makes usage more convenient by eliminating a learning curve that might exist for a new interface, though conforming shackles new artistic designs.


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Sunday, June 07, 2020

Churches Building Online Communities

Beth Daley explores how churches are building community online .


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Saturday, June 06, 2020

Apple MacIntosh Dock

Johnny Evans gives Mac users tips for maximizing the Dock .


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Friday, June 05, 2020

Microsoft OneDrive

Howard Wen provides tips and shortcuts for using Microsoft OneDrive .

OneDrive integrated into the current version of Microsoft Office and Windows 10. Microsoft by default uploads work to OneDrive. Users often become confused whether they stored their work on a disc built into their system or uploaded to OneDrive. Long-time computer users tend to hunt for files on the computer's desktop or Documents folder. It is very important for users to know where their documents are being stored so they can recover them in the future!


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Thursday, June 04, 2020

Google Meet

Google has opened Google Meet to all people, not just enterprise users. J. R. Raphael discusses the marketing confusion caused by expanding access. Raphael also suggests add-ons for this videoconferencing platform.

Charlotte Trueman has created a comparison of Google Meet and similar videoconferencing platforms. Trueman concludes with a summary of the strengths and weaknesses of the five platforms, and concludes with a chart comparing features. This is the nutshell of her Zoom evaluation:

Of all the platforms we tested, Zoom is arguably the easiest and most intuitive to set up and use, and it offers the largest range of in-meeting features. However, the company’s security and privacy practices have left much to be desired.

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Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Gmail Encryption

J. R. Raphael discusses Gmail encryption. Raphael describes the basic security provided with all gmail accounts, as well as additional options available at various price points for specific vendors.

Raphael also reviews (pans) Gmail's "Confidential Mode":

The idea is that it lets you prevent someone from forwarding, copying, printing, and downloading anything you send them — and, if you want, lets you set an expiration date after which your message will no longer be accessible. You can also create a passcode, delivered via email or text message, that's required in order to open the message.
That all sounds nice enough on the surface, but the problem is that it doesn't really do a heck of a lot when it comes to actual security. Messages still aren't encrypted in any end-to-end manner, meaning Google (and other mail services) are still able to view and store them. The "no forwarding, copying, printing, and downloading" bit doesn't mean much, either, since anyone can still take a screenshot of a message if they're so inclined.


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Tuesday, June 02, 2020

Letter Writing Should Not Perish

Sean Morris talks about the value of letter writing, and suggests incorporating letter writing into the university curriculum.


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Monday, June 01, 2020

Speech Droplets and Coronavirus

Valentyn Stadnytskyia, Christina E. Baxb, Adriaan Baxa, and Philip Anfinrud write about the role of "speech droplets " and the spread of diseases such as coronavirus.


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