Education's Payback
Georgetown's Center for Education and the Workforce examines return on investment for university enrollment at hundreds of United States universities and community colleges.
-DDLabels: Education statistics
Information Sources & Information Sifting Techniques
I am a retired librarian, most recently serving at Indiana Wesleyan University's Cleveland Education Center.
Georgetown's Center for Education and the Workforce examines return on investment for university enrollment at hundreds of United States universities and community colleges.
-DDLabels: Education statistics
Tim Dowling reports on the extraordinary effort required to record an audiobook .
-DDLabels: Audiobooks
Joseph Stromberg and Joss Fong report on the science of "coffee naps ."
-DDLabels: Coffee, Napping, Sleep hygiene, Wakefulness
Josh Dzieza tells about the role of product packaging agents serving Amazon's third-party vendors in its distribution network .
-DDLabels: Amazon, Fullfillment Centers, Shipping cost, Warehouses
Google maintains the Web Transparency Report which reports on threats on a website.
-DDLabels: cyber security
Goldie Blumenstyk laments the disadvantages rural students face in preparing for university admission . Most do not have access to broadband Internet at home, and their high schools often have a small tax base.
-DDLabels: college readiness
Sam Johnson discusses professors who have a side job to supplement a fixed income.
-DDLabels: Academic employment
Michelle Miller has penned "How to Make Smart Choices About Tech for your Courses "
-DDLabels: classroom technology
Dina Gerdeman writes about distressed workers and how companies can help them with resiliency training.
-DDLabels: Mental Health, Resiliency
Howard Wen reveals Womdows 10 features that add power and convenience to the computing experience.
-DDLabels: Microsoft Windows 10
Talib Visram writes about Aaron Seyedian, an entrepreneur who is paying a $17/hr wage to home house cleaners in an attempt to show that even small companies can pay a living wage. The article offers an over of 1099 abuse , where workers are treated as contractors despite having greater responsibilities.
-DDLabels: Compensation, Employment
Megan Konar explains the work being done at the University of Illinois to track the movement of food around the United States. Her research is based on reports from eight of government sources.
-DDLabels: Food, Transportation
Stanford has tried to visualize what the student experience will be like in 2025.
-DDLabels: education, Stanford University
Justin Elliot and Paul Kiel write about the legislative influence of Intuit, the maker of TurboTax, on legislation to allow United States citizens to file their income tax return without a charge .
-DDLabels: Intuit, Tax reform, Turbo Tax
Ana Campoy talks about the pros and cons of free college tuition programs as they are run in cities such as Dallas, Texas.
-DDLabels: Education funding
Michelle Cheng reports that San Francisco's Lambda School is now offering mental health benefits to its students.
Having seen increasing numbers of adult learners enrolling who seem to struggle with diverse mental outlooks and learning styles, counseling for academic success makes sense to me.
-DDLabels: Higher Education, Mental Health