Knowledge Handler

Information Sources & Information Sifting Techniques

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Location: Cleveland, Ohio, United States

I am a retired librarian, most recently serving at Indiana Wesleyan University's Cleveland Education Center.

Monday, April 30, 2018

False Technology "Help" Is on the Rise

Gregg Keizer summarizes reports from Microsoft and the Federal Bureau of Investigation indicating that fraud by individuals posing as technicians (or as the representatives of technology companies) is skyrocketing.


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Sunday, April 29, 2018

Financial Emergency Funds in Personal Finance

Alicia Adamczyk suggest how much of an individuals finances should be in an emergency fund .


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In Aisle Checkout

Evan Schuman describes Walmart trying in-aisle checkout .


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Saturday, April 28, 2018

Google Search's Autocomplete

Barry Schwartz reviews Google's practice of expediting search with autocomplete . His information comes from an article by Google's Danny Sullivan, who is quoted as saying: "Cumulatively, we estimate it saves over 200 years of typing time per day."



Friday, April 27, 2018

Android Security Settings

J. R. Raphael reviews settings in Android which improve a user's security.



Thursday, April 26, 2018

Airline Fare Regulations

Chris Matyszczyk reports on a developing loss of transparency in airline fares .



Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Mobile Developments

Mike Elgin discusses how the mobile operating systems are in flux .



Tuesday, April 24, 2018


Sarah McDermott interviews John Corcoran about growing up with dyslexia .


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Monday, April 23, 2018

Biometric Security

Matt Kapco and Matthew Finnegan report on Microsoft's efforts to develop biometric security .


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Sunday, April 22, 2018


Geoffrey Pullum explains what a shibboleth is.



Saturday, April 21, 2018

Reading and the Family

David Allan tells of how reading became precious to his family.



Friday, April 20, 2018

"Mobile First" and Web Page Design

Lee Wilson writes about Google's move to "mobile first" indexing of web sites. This means web page designers need to ensure that their mobile content meets Google's standards.


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Thursday, April 19, 2018

Muting Google's Memory

Alix Langone provides the steps needed to delete your Google search history .


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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Crawl Errors

Michiel Heijmans explains crawl errors .


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Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Microsoft Office Tips

Preston Gralla uses two videos to share a few tips about Microsoft Word 2016 and Excel 2016 .


If this was of interest, consider that Microsoft offers free training videos on all members of the Office family.

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Monday, April 16, 2018

NextAvenue is a website providing advice for boomers and GenXers. For a sample article, read Richard Eisenberg's economic forecast .


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Saturday, April 14, 2018

Voice Search Statistics

Wordstream has posted projections about the adoption of voice search .



Friday, April 13, 2018

Reversible Decisions

Farnum Street has a short essay on the difference between reversible and irreverible decisions . Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, considers this an important criteria in determining the amount of analysis a decision requires.


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Uniform Resource Locators

Barry Adams reviews the use of URLs in search engine optimization (SEO).


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Thursday, April 12, 2018

Voice Search Optimization

Bryson Meunier suggests methods for optimizing a website for voice .



Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Two Factor Authentication -- Flubbed

Evan Schuman notes that mobile two factor authentication can be frustrating if a vendor texts a landline .


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Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Communicating Innovation

Sydney Johnson muses on the need for communication when talking about innovation.



Monday, April 09, 2018

E-mail Can Form a More Secure Social Network Than Facebook

Mike Elgin suggests that e-mail is the foundation for a secure social network.

As an active member of e-mail Listervs, I have to agree.


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Sunday, April 08, 2018

Credo InfoLit Learning Community

Credo maintains an InfoLit Learning Community where professionals discuss information literacy and website evaluation. And it is a place for Credo to market its products.


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Saturday, April 07, 2018

Age Bias

Peter Gosselin and Ariana Tobin write about age bias at IBM.


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Friday, April 06, 2018

Apple Spotlight Tutorial

Johnny Evans provides a tutorial on Apple Spotlight , the special tool for finding data on a Mac.


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Thursday, April 05, 2018

Microsoft Pushing Use of Edge Browser

Preston Gralla roasts Microsoft for making Edge the default browser for more functions in Windows 10. I agree that this is frustrating for the user, and may hurt the market share of the operating system.



Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Touchscreen Keyboards

Mike Elgan extolls the future of touchscreen keyboards - once they adapt new technology just becoming available.


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Tuesday, April 03, 2018

Survey of Online Education in Universities

Richard Garrett summarized a survey of educational leaders involved with academic online learning . I found fascinating the survey's disclosure that only about two percent of online courses are "mainly synchronous." The vast majority of student learning is not guided by a faculty member in real time.


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Academic Accommodation Through Technology

Kathleen Daley passionately argues for using technology to accomodate for learning differences .


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Cryptomining Unleashes Threats

Tara Seals reports thar university students are now mining bitcoins using their university's network, cost their school valuable bandwidth and decreasing cyber security . Policies need to be in place to forbid such activity on campus.


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Frequent Changes in Leadership

Terry McGlynn observes that constantly changing leaders either inhibits long-term planning or makes evaluating leadership impossible. He argues for stable leadership which has time to make substantial change.

McGlynn writes from his university experience, but I observe that some of the same arguments can be applied to term limits on political officeholders.


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Monday, April 02, 2018

Abstaining From Technology

Stephanie Buck shares how some travelers desire a "technology fast ," where they abstain as much as possible from using electronic technology.


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Android and Microsoft Windows

J.R. Raphael tells how one can configure an Android device to work in the Windows ecosystem .


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"Can We Go Back to Square One?"

Farnam Street quotes Jeff Bezos suggesting that irreversible decisions require more deliberation than those that can be reversed.


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Sunday, April 01, 2018

Battery Charging Tips

Lucas Mearian answers questions about the best pattern for charging a mobile phone battery.

Research indicates that the range of discharge should be kept to less than half the capacity of the battery. And the battery should be kept as cool as possible at all times.


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