Market to Market Accounting
Brian S. Wesbury suggests that market to market accounting played a major role in recent financial crises .
Information Sources & Information Sifting Techniques
I am a retired librarian, most recently serving at Indiana Wesleyan University's Cleveland Education Center.
Brian S. Wesbury suggests that market to market accounting played a major role in recent financial crises .
Evan Schuman recommends that corporations investigate encrypting all data stored in a "cloud" because of third-party security issues. He suggests that Somewhat-Homomorphic Encryption (SHE) offers the advantage of being in the public domain, and is fast enough to be practical. Schuman provides a link to David Wu's Stanford University presentation which reviews the technology.
-DDLabels: encyption, Somewhat-Homomorphic Encryption
C.G.P. Grey produced a video illustrating the problem with "First Past the Post" elections. Grey is an advocate for the alternative vote or single transferable vote menthod.
-DDLabels: Elections, First Past the Post
Emma Sappala suggests that we can raise children which are driven to success or who enjoy life . She recommends that they chill out and be happy.
Labels: Compassion, Happiness, Joy
Maggie Koerth-Baker suggests that childhood bedtimes are a social construct , and that different children at different ages may have different sleep needs. Various research studies have shown that up to half of children who are forced to go to bed when they are not sleepy develop sleep resistance behaviors, fighting with their parents to stay awake later into the evening.
However, children who win this battle and remain awake late into the evening may develop sleep-wake phase disorders, a where the circadian rhythm is permanently set to a default which differs from the society they live in. For example, in the U.S., a habit of staying up late (and rising late) that can carry on into problems at school, and later work.
Labels: Children, Sleep, Sleep resistance
Michael Horowitz shares how the user can restrict FireFox to only display sites employing Transport Layer Security version 1.2 or higher . The good news is it makes web surfing safer, while the downside it is it may restrict access to safe sites which have not updated their technology.
-DDLabels: FireFox, internet security
Tom Vanderbilt observed that a community increasing its percentage of high-income rental properties makes it difficult for middle-income residents to compete in finding affordable housing.
-DDLabels: Air Bed and Breakfast, Quality of Life, Rental property
Rebecca Greenfield notes that employers are reducing or eliminating telecommuting .
-DDLabels: Telecommuting
Marieke van de Rakt provides reasons for using significant headings in your web document .
-DDLabels: HTML, seo search engine optimization, Web Page Headings
SEO PowerSuite suggests seven criteria Google uses for ranking web pages in search results. Tips are provided for improving ranking for each criteria.
-DDVanessa Van Edwards advises how to nicely interrupt a conversation which has become a monologue.
Labels: Assertiveness, Conversation, Monologues, Personal networking
Janet Driscoll Miller suggests seven things universities should consider as they hone their strategy for online marketing .
-DDAleh Barysevich explains why search engine marketers should provide relevant keywords to attract the maximum amount of attention.
-DDLabels: Long tail keywords
Meris Stansbury suggests ten apps which will help a college student succeed. These include"
-DDLabels: Educational Apps
Joy Hawkins suggests that online marketers should have a custom URL to track responses from each web venue. This provides valuable data on which messages are causing "clicks." She provides ten other tips specific to user of Google Posts, a program for local marketing.
-DDLabels: Search Engine Marketing
Justin Nobel interviews Lieutenant General Russel Honore about pollution caused by lax oversight in Louisiana .
Nobel also interviews Robert Taylor Jr., a resident of the town of Reserve, which is home to the only neoprene factory in the U.S. Taylor notes that "this past January chloroprene concentrations in the air were recorded at 332 times the federal guidelines." Taylor is concerned about the ongoing effects of the poison, and fears a catastrophic release of toxins. “If we can commit an act of war against another country for chemically poisoning their children,” says Taylor, “how can we stand by and do nothing when chemicals are poisoning our own children?”
-DDLabels: Climate change, Environmental pollution
Carolyn Jennings muses on the importance of attentiveness .
-DDLabels: Attentiveness, Identity, Self
Amy Gesenhues alerts readers that Google Maps is using crowdsourcing to annotate maps as to businesses which are accessible to the handicapped. Google managers Shiva Thiagarajan and Rio Akasaka explain how to annotate Google Maps for your location in this post.
Labels: Google Maps, Handicapped Accessibility
Jaime Hannans, Jill Leafstedt and Michelle Pacansky-Brock demonstrate that certain student populations need online education .
-DDLabels: Online Education
Patrick Nelson reports that a quantum communication network is being developed for greater security in Internet transactions.
-DDLabels: Quantum computing
Mike Elgan suggests that new user interface design will revolutionize computing. He posits that virtual reality technologies, where one uses verbal commands to interact with the computer, will replace the current desktop Windows,Icons, Menus and Pointer (WIMP) interface and the tablet Multi-touch, Physics and Gestures (MPG) interface the way that the purely command line QWERTY interface (example: DOS) lost prominence.
My take is that if firms adopt a verbal interface, employees will have to work from home or in offices, as a cube farm of talking knowledge workers would be a confusing babble.
-DDLabels: Interface design, MPG, QWERTY, WIMP
J. R. Raphael reveals two Google Docs features , which are:
Labels: Google Docs
Michael Strickland shares how Idaho strives to get high school graduates in online or blended courses to improve the number of students entering higher degree programs.
Strickland cites Connie Malamed (of the eLearning Coach website) reminding us that “one of the most important areas we can develop as professionals is competence in accessing and sharing knowledge.”
-DDLabels: knowledge, Online Education