Knowledge Handler
Information Sources & Information Sifting Techniques
About Me
- Name: David Dial
- Location: Cleveland, Ohio, United States
I am a retired librarian, most recently serving at Indiana Wesleyan University's Cleveland Education Center.
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Purchasing a Laptop
Gordon Ung of IDG.TV reviews criteria for buying a new laptop .
-DDLabels: Buying a computer, Computer hardware, Laptop
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Resume Preparation
Sharon Florentine suggests resume tips for a technology-oriented job search. Some of her tips match those given by Richard Bolles, author of What Color Is Your Parachute?
In a related article, Derek Walter suggests when it is time to look for a new job.
Labels: Employment, Job Search, Resume
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
MOOC Enrollment Grows in 2015
Dhawal Shah provides statistics on MOOC the marketshares and reported enrollments. He reports that "free" courses are being replaced by those with a paywall - at least if the course will include student evaluation.
-DDLabels: Academic admissions, Education statistics, MOOCs
Strong Security Camera Passwords
Ms. Smith notes that a huge number of security cameras either have no password, or use the default password assigned by the manufacturer.
-DDLabels: Passwords, Peeping Tom, Security camera, Spy cameras, Surveillance camera
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Security for Chrome for Android
Lucian Constantin announces that Chrome for Android offers Safe Browsing . Safe Browsing is primarily a blacklist that warns of sites with malware and viruses.
-DDLabels: Google Chrome Web browser, malware, Safe Browsing
Friday, December 18, 2015
Hunger in Academy
Steve Kolowich interviews Hattie Elmore, Director of Single Stop, a program dedicated to helping students navigate money and housing problems . Roughly a quarter of the students at Elmore's community college have experienced hunger in the past year, and her goal is to connect the students to resources which will allow them to be successful.
-DDLabels: homeless, student succcess
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Printer Problems Arising From Windows 10
Ed Tittel offers suggestions for coping with print driver problems after one upgrades to Windows 10.
-DDLabels: Printing, Windows 10
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Tech and Terrorism
John Ribeiro notes that U.S. lawmakers are considering making network providers responsible for some terrorist communications. Ribeiro cites a statement by President Obama expressing a desire that tech companies make life difficult for terrorists attempting to escape justice by allowing government access to encypted resources.
-DDLabels: encyption, secure communication, terrorism
Crowdsourcing Humanities Research
Maha Bali notifies readers about a curated studies of a word such as "network." The curation effort seems to be a scholary exploration in philology and in the dynamics of crowdsourcing academic research.
-DDLabels: Open Source, philology
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Virtual Reality Labs
Ellen Wexler tracks advances in virtual reality labs for educational purposes at the University of Maryland.
-DDLabels: University of Maryland, virtual reality
Monday, December 14, 2015
Proposed U.S. Aerial Drone Regulations
Martyn Williams reviews the current schemes for regulating aerial drones. He notes that the commercialization of airspace will limit hobbyist use of drones, as Google and Amazon do not want collisions between devices.
-DDLabels: Aerial drone, drone
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Mobile Usage May Be Evaluated by Lenders
Matt Hamblen observes that Kenyan lenders evaluate potential borrowers based on their mobile phone usage , a practice that may be coming to the United States. Those who have older phones requiring frequent charging are deemed to be less creditworthy than those who can afford new phones.
-DDLabels: Credit Report, Mobile Usage
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Computer Clock
Simson Garfinkel wrote an article on the "Security Implications of the Humble Computer Clock " in 2009, but his advice is still relevant. I have found that errant clock settings have prevented users from accessing apps such as e-mail. Checking the accuracy of a computer's internal clock should be an early step in a intractible networking problem.
-DDFriday, December 11, 2015
Productivity Tips
Sharon Florentine shares five productivity tips . These include:
- Working alone, such as in a quiet area or home office;
- Use your phone calendar to note birthdays and life events for co-workers;
- Schedule when you shall reply to email;
- Ensure your workplace is at a comfortable temperature, and,
- Take advantage of the ultradian rhythm.
Labels: productivity, Ultradian rhythm
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Testing the iPad
Gordon Mah Ung shares benchmarks which demonstrate that the iPad is not yet a desktop replacement.
-DDLabels: Apple iPad, Benchmarks
Wednesday, December 09, 2015
Book Collecting
John Kaag offers his experience as a bibliophile for the reader's amusement.
-DDLabels: Book collecting
Tuesday, December 08, 2015
Nemesis Malware
Jeremy Kirk warns of Nemesis, a new malware which loads before Windows boots, and thus cannot be recognized or removed by a normal antivirus solution. According to security firm Mandiant, "System administrators should perform a complete physical wipe of any systems compromised with a bootkit and then reload the operating system."
-DDLabels: malware, Nemesis malware
Internet Addiction
Michael Schulson suggests that Web surfers can suffer internet addiction , and suggests tools to help viewers cope with the compulsion.
-DDLabels: Addition, Inappropriate Internet use
Monday, December 07, 2015
1870 Library in Cincinnati
The original Vine Street building of the Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County was built in 1874 on the site of an opera house. It was considered one of the most beautiful public libraries in the nation.
The present Cincinnati library is located in the same location, but now spreads between Eighth and Ninth Streets and Vine and Walnut Streets.
-DDLabels: Public Library
Sunday, December 06, 2015
The Future of Academic Libraries
Jeffrey R. Young interviews American Library Association President Sari Feldman about the future of campus print collections .
-DDLabels: academic librarians, books, e-books, Public Library
Saturday, December 05, 2015
Team Communication
Kim Scott promotes the use of radical candor to make teams productive.
-DDLabels: management, teamwork
Friday, December 04, 2015
Customer Relationship Management in 2016
Jennifer Schiff offers tips for prospering with customer relationship management.
-DDLabels: Customer Relationshiop Management (CRM), customer service
Thursday, December 03, 2015
Wednesday, December 02, 2015
Ceridwen Dovey reviews literature which indicates reading can make you happier .
-DDLabels: academic journals, libraries, reading
Tuesday, December 01, 2015
Twenty Years of USB Technology
Gordon Ung interviewed Ajay Bhatt, the Intel innovator who, more than anyone, created the USB standard . The technology was initially devised for printers, but now connects everything from cameras to cell phones.
-DDLabels: history of computers, Peripherals, USB standards