Knowledge Handler

Information Sources & Information Sifting Techniques

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Location: Cleveland, Ohio, United States

I am a retired librarian, most recently serving at Indiana Wesleyan University's Cleveland Education Center.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Google Maps Advertising

Zach Miners reports that "Google Maps Gets More Ads."


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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Windows 8.1 Features

Preston Gralla introduces Windows 8.1 .


Monday, August 26, 2013

Radio Spectrum Database

According to Grant Gross, Google has developed a database indicating the unused radio spectrum in an area. The FCC has approved the marketing of this tool, called Spectrum Bridge.


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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Brain in a Box

Joab Jackson reports that IBM is developing a new technology where the processors act like nurons.


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Saturday, August 24, 2013

Google Maps for Navigation

Alan Shimiel toasts the utility of Google Maps However, the reader commentary indicates that Google Maps sucks in rural regions and in densely populated areas such as concert venues.


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Friday, August 23, 2013

WindowsXP Security Updates To Cease April, 2014

Gregg Keizer reports that "China Has a Massive Windows XP Problem." He notes that Microsoft is scheduled to stop providing security updates for WindowsXP in April, 2014.



Thursday, August 22, 2013

Mobile Phones and Accidents

Matt Hamblen notes that a recently published study on 2007 cell phone usage does not show that using a cell phone causes accidents.

Hamblen concluded by noting that the National Safety Council has been promoting making cell phone usage by drivers a primary offense. The article had many commentators, and the majority questioned the accuracy of Saurabh Bhargava's research findings.


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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Mobile Devices Don't Help Office Ergonomics

Lamont Wood explains in detail how "Mobile Devices Don't Help Office Ergonomics."


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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Critical Thinking, Creativity and Communication

Ole Lensmar notes three skills that will help in software testing or in all aspects of life: critical thinking, creativity and communication.


An odd thing about this article is that it also credits it as being "by Lorinda Brandon, Technical Evangelist at Smartbear Software."

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Monday, August 19, 2013

LINUX Malware

Jon Gold reports that malware developers sell their toolkits to thieves for thousands of dollars. They have now entered the LINUX market, targeting machines that formerly had few threats. This bodes ill for corporations, as many business/Web processes run on LINUX.

Gold cites security expert Lemor Kessem: "Hand of Thief is currently being sold in 'closed cybercrime communities' for $2,000, which includes free updates, writes Kessem. However, she adds, the upcoming addition of new web injection attack technology will push the price to $3,000, and introduce a $550 fee for major version updates."

“'These prices coincide with those quoted by developers who released similar malware for the Windows OS, which would make Hand of Thief relatively priced way above market value considering the relatively small user base of Linux,' she notes."


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Sunday, August 18, 2013


Dan Ariely talks about de-motivation .




Saturday, August 17, 2013


Dan Pink shares thoughts about what motivates us . He says that money only motivates until the need for money is off the table. After needs are met, adding money as compensation seems to result in decreased performance. At that financial tipping point, significant purpose is the positive motivator in any endeavor. In his presentation I sense echoes of I Timothy 6:10.



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Friday, August 16, 2013

RRAM vs. 3D NAND Flash Memory

Lucas Mearian reports on two new technologies that will greatly improve the capabilities of mobile computers. In "RAM wars: RRAM vs. 3D NAND flash ," Mearian explains two new technologies that could allow massive increases in the size and speed of data storage.


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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Online Meetings Are Insecure

Cheryl Rosen reports that Chineese hackers are gaining the capability of snooping on online meetings

. -DD

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Gmail Folder Configuration

Nick Barber shares how to configure Gmail folders .



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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Web Tools for Educators

Michael Gorman notes some educational e-resources in one of series of Digital Curriculum posts.


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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Literature Review Process

North Carolina State University Libraries has posted about creating a literature review .



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History of Audible Alerts

Josh Fruhlinger shares "From Morse code to Marimba: The noisy history of technology alerts."


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Monday, August 12, 2013

Behavioral Cues

Anita Elberse draws from the example of an unappreciated violinist to speak to job seekers about the need for appropriate marketing . While the author did not specifically mention the term "behavioral cue," the violinist Joshua Bell found that busking in a subway seemed to be less appreciated than playing solos in Carnegie Hall. Cues such as an appreciative crowd and a challenging entry fee were absent from the subway performance, with the result that people did not recognize that this was an experience to be appreciated and valued.

The culturally acquired cues are a form of brain programming that provide an automatic response to common life situations. A common greeting in my Midwestern culture is "How are you?" and the appropriate response is "Fine" unless one requires the services of a medical professional. The unthinking ritual communications of daily life help us navigate life quickly and productively, and thus psychologists and parents need to work with children who don't respond to behavioral clues. On the other hand, if we are inattentive and don't look beyond ritual behaviors that get us through the day, then we limit our awareness of the suffering and beauty in the world, and can be unappreciative of the roles of others in our lives. As you go through your day, consider the words of those around you. -DD


In the following video clip, Kare Anderson shares the importance of welcoming listening for communication and buy-in.

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Box Wants to Be the Teacher's Pet

Juan Carlos Perez notes that cloud storage is being marketed aggressively to colleges in his article, "Box wants to be the teacher's pet."


Sunday, August 11, 2013

Qualitative Analysis Tips

Tom Wein has posted some useful "Tips and Tricks for Qualitative Analysis ".




Saturday, August 10, 2013

Last Pass Password Manager

Kerry Davis praises a password manager called Last Pass



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Friday, August 09, 2013

Behavioral Dynamics Institute on Motivating Behavioral Change

An unknown speaker from the Behavioral Dynamics Institute shares how knowledge provides facts which can lead to attitude change, but that social motivation is often required for behavior change .




Thursday, August 08, 2013

Linux Text Editors

Himanshu Arora reviews "Five Free Linux Text Editors for Programming and Word Processing ."


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Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Finding Documents In Windows7 On The Local Disk And Network File Shares

J. Peter Bruzzese shows how to find documents in Microsoft Windows7 .



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Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Google Technology Catches Auto Thieves

Russell Brandom shares how knowledge handling allowed Google to catch car thieves .


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Monday, August 05, 2013

Learning Another Language

Saikat Basu shares how Google Chrome can be used in language learning . Basu also names language sites such as Duolingu and


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Sunday, August 04, 2013

MOOCs and Entertainment

Rebecca Schuman shares her thoughts about Thomas Friedman's predictions about MOOCs . Friedman predicts positive things about MOOCs, while Schuman and Richard Wolff air concerns about the utility or educational benefit of these massive online courses.

My take: It seems to me that that MOOCs are a good answer if someone just wants a "sage on a stage." MOOCs are too massive for much interaction with faculty.


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Saturday, August 03, 2013

Simple Text Editors

Lincoln Mullen wrote a seminal piece on simple text editors .   I saw Mullen's piece cited by Konrad Lawson writing about "The Wizards of Vim" (Vim is one of the simple text editors).


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Friday, August 02, 2013

Boundless Lawsuit Continues

Jake New reports that the lawsuit against "free" textbook publisher Boundless is set to continue.   The litigating publishers claim that the process where students use open-source content to mimic a traditional textbook results in a product that is almost a duplicate of the commercial product.


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Thursday, August 01, 2013

Mobile Web App Creation Tools

Mark Gibbs (who goes under the nom de plume of "Gearhead" when writing for NetworkWorld) shares the following tools for creating WebApps:
  1. AppsGeyser
  2. AppGyver
  3. Capriza
  5. Corona Labs SDK
  6. Live Code Open Source
  7. Alpha Five

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Tile and Crowd Discovery

Mike Elgin discusses the power of the cloud for discovery in light of a new tracking device called Tile . Devices marked as lost or stolen in the Tile webspace suddenly sound an alert if ANY Tile user approaches their vicinity.


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