Knowledge Handler

Information Sources & Information Sifting Techniques

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Location: Independence, Ohio, United States

I am a retired librarian, most recently serving at Indiana Wesleyan University's Cleveland Education Center.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Behavioral Cues

Anita Elberse draws from the example of an unappreciated violinist to speak to job seekers about the need for appropriate marketing . While the author did not specifically mention the term "behavioral cue," the violinist Joshua Bell found that busking in a subway seemed to be less appreciated than playing solos in Carnegie Hall. Cues such as an appreciative crowd and a challenging entry fee were absent from the subway performance, with the result that people did not recognize that this was an experience to be appreciated and valued.

The culturally acquired cues are a form of brain programming that provide an automatic response to common life situations. A common greeting in my Midwestern culture is "How are you?" and the appropriate response is "Fine" unless one requires the services of a medical professional. The unthinking ritual communications of daily life help us navigate life quickly and productively, and thus psychologists and parents need to work with children who don't respond to behavioral clues. On the other hand, if we are inattentive and don't look beyond ritual behaviors that get us through the day, then we limit our awareness of the suffering and beauty in the world, and can be unappreciative of the roles of others in our lives. As you go through your day, consider the words of those around you. -DD


In the following video clip, Kare Anderson shares the importance of welcoming listening for communication and buy-in.

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