Writing "Morning Pages"
Julia Cameron recommends using "morning pages " to uncover concepts to address during the day.
-DDLabels: Journaling, Morning pages, organization skills
Information Sources & Information Sifting Techniques
I am a retired librarian, most recently serving at Indiana Wesleyan University's Cleveland Education Center.
Julia Cameron recommends using "morning pages " to uncover concepts to address during the day.
-DDLabels: Journaling, Morning pages, organization skills
Douglas Main reports on the spread of microplastics , citing research undertaken at the University of Newcastle (Australia), which showed that humans swallow grams of invisible microplastic each year.
-DDLabels: Environmental pollution, Microplastics
Lydia Denworth suggests how to extend your healthy years , and reports on research into therapies for some of the maladies of aging.
-DDLabels: Aging
Evan Mandery writes about the work of Greg Lukianoff , President of The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression, fighting for freedom of speech.
-DDLabels: First Amendment, Foundation for Individual Rights and Free Expression, Free speech
Jamie Waters notes that negative thoughts sometimes have a peculiar value in focusing the mind.
-DDLabels: Emotions
Adam Rogers describes the technology Pixar uses to fascinate viewers.
-DDLabels: brain, Color, Hyper-colors
John Coleman explains how to craft your work for personal satisfaction and future success.
-DDLabels: Craft, Employment
Tasha Eichenseher reports on the effectiveness of mindfulness training for those coping with an ADHD diagnosis. Additionally, Rob Rosenthal suggests additional strategies for living with attention problems.
-DDLabels: ADHD, Mindfulness
Kevin Harnett explains how quantum communications could be more economical than traditional communication techiques.
-DDMcKenszie Funk tells the story of Hank Asher and data mining .
-DDLabels: data mining, Databases, Hank Asher
Karen G. Mills, Elisabeth B. Reynolds, and Morgane Herculano discuss the role small businesses have in national resiliance for the national supply chains.
-DDLabels: small business, Supply chains
Melody Wilding suggests how to shed unworkable workplace commitments .
-DDLabels: Commitment, Renigging, Responsibility
Kevin Hartnett reports on a method to solve the "nearest neighbor" problem. This method, developed by Alexandr Andoni, Ilya Razenshteyn and Erik Waingarten, provides concepts for searching complex sets of information.
-DDLabels: Nearest neighbor, Sorting
A. J. Jakobs reveals why gym classes in the mid-20th century were unpleasant.
-DDLabels: Gym class, Physical education
Kristy Puchko writes about Manet's most famous paintings of nudes . In a separate article, Ellen Wexler notes that Monet's Olympia will be visiting New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art in 2023.
-DDGerman Lopez explains why cats are influenced by catnip .
Joseph Stromberg has also written about the power of catnip, including its use on humans, who use it as a sedetive and an insect repellent.
-DDDan Nosowitz explains making homes out of subsoil, a method called cob construction .
-DDLabels: Cob construction, Earthen homes