Knowledge Handler

Information Sources & Information Sifting Techniques

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Location: Cleveland, Ohio, United States

I am a retired librarian, most recently serving at Indiana Wesleyan University's Cleveland Education Center.

Monday, November 30, 2020

Early Adopters and 5G Phone Service

J.R. Raphael suggests that 5G service is not worth the additional cost while the network is still being developed. Early adopters are paying for a worthwhile system to be constructed.


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Sunday, November 29, 2020

Coronavirus Vaccine Efficacy

Carolyn Crist reports on Dr. Anthony Fauci's observation that a vaccine which provides sufficient pallative or symptomatic care would end COVID-19 deaths as effectively as a vaccine causing complete immunity to infection.


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Saturday, November 28, 2020

Words That Can Have Opposite Meanings

Judith Herman lists some English words which can take on opposite meanings .


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Friday, November 27, 2020

Einstein Quotations

Sarah Pruitt recounts the efforts of Garson O’Toole to verify quotations of Enstein, and in some cases debunked their provenance.


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Thursday, November 26, 2020

Sleep Patterns

Elle Hunt interviewed Alice Gregory and Maryanne Taylor, who said that" We all have blips in our sleep. – It’s never going to be that you sleep brilliantly all the time.



Wednesday, November 25, 2020

New Worlds

Tom Gerken explores tiny model worlds hidden on a bookshelf.


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Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Universities After Coronavirus

Bryan Alexander suggests that because of COVID-19 universities have increased their expectations of faculty: longer hours, online activity throughout waking hours, and more community service requirements. Beth McMurtrie reports burnout already happening among some faculty.


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Monday, November 23, 2020

Android Notification System

J. R. Raphael explains how to set up an Android notification system called Filter Box on your Android phone.


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Sunday, November 22, 2020


Rosie Spinks reveals some of the benefits of using a squatting posture for at least a few activities during the day. Spinks also posts about an app which reminds users to squat during the day.


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Saturday, November 21, 2020

Tsundoku, or Book Collecting

Tom Gerkin says that the Japanese word "Tsundoku ," describes a person who buys large numbers of books in the hopes of someday reading them.

My wife would say I exemplify a Tsundoku. ☺



Friday, November 20, 2020

Windows Software on a Chromebook

J. R. Raphael explains how, with the proper app and expensive hardware, Google Chromebooks can run Windows web apps in separate window that runs Microsoft Windows. This Parallels software has run on Apple laptops for years, and is just now reaching Chromebooks.


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Thursday, November 19, 2020

Professional Writing in Academia

Larry McEnerney shares with university professors about the importance of professional writing .


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Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Microsoft Windows Shortcuts

Valarie Potter provides "cheat sheets " for keyboard shortcuts used in Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office.



Tuesday, November 17, 2020

University Hiring Delays

Andrew Cheng laments that potential academic employers take an excessive amount of time to make a hiring decision. Cheng suggests that universities:

  • Tell applicants when they have been rejected.
  • Be transparent about their hiring schedule.
  • Strive to set a standard for communication with candidates.


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Giving Thanks and Coronavirus

Alex Fitzpatrick reports that Canadian virus infections spiked after that nation celebrated Thanksgiving October 16.


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Monday, November 16, 2020

Men, Women and COVID-19

Dina Gerdeman reports on the research of Vincent Pons' team, which notes that men are more likely to die of COVID-19 than women. Pons suggests that women more frequently comply with suggested safety rules, such as wearing masks and social distancing.


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David Sinclair and Life Extension

David Sinclair talks about his medical research into living longer using diet, exercise, and medications preserving the body's epigenetic information.


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Sunday, November 15, 2020

Ken Frazier Interview

Ken Frazier, CEO of Merck, addresses some of the challenges facing the United States in this year shaped by COVID-19 , including responsible leadership and the timeline of a COVID-19 vaccine.



Saturday, November 14, 2020

Retirement in the Future

John Stoll predicts the future of retirement , and after crunching the numbers suggests that most people will need to be gainfully employed long after age 65.


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Friday, November 13, 2020

The Economic Inpact of Restricting Immigration

Dany Bahar, Prithwiraj Choudhury, and Britta Glennon investigated the economic impact of banning immigration to the U.S., and charted a $100 billion hit to Fortune 500 firms.


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Thursday, November 12, 2020

Rational Decisions

Keith Stanovich provides examples of dysrationalia , a term he coined to describe smart people who make irrational decisions.


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Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Demographics and Train Ridership

Sarah Sieloff discusses the implications of changes in demographics which are influencing small towns and bullet trains in Japan.


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Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The Value of Writing

John Henry writes about expert writer Larry McEnerney and his comments about marketing and value.


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Monday, November 09, 2020

The Ballpoint Pen

Stephen Dowling writes about the invention and marketing of the ballpoint pen . As to its importance, he quotes David Saxs: "The ballpoint pen was the equivalent of today’s smartphone. Before then, writing was a stationary act that had to be done in a certain environment, on a certain kind of desk, with all these other things to hand that allowed you to write."


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Sunday, November 08, 2020

Kindness as a Business Virtue

Boris Groysberg and Susan Seligson encourage managers, telling them that kindness is important for ultimate success.


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Saturday, November 07, 2020

Windows Tips

Sele Training offers the video Windows Tips and Tricks 2020 . I learned about many obscure but useful Windows 10 functions thanks to this.


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Friday, November 06, 2020


Aja Romano shares an example of hand coded art Diana A. Smith created using HTML and CSS. He notes that this was crafted using code recognized by the Google Chrome web browser, and provides screen captures of how distorted it becomes under other browsers which do not recognize the CSS code that makes the image. For more examples of Smith's art, see her website or view this interview.


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Thursday, November 05, 2020

Guy Fawkes Day

Cameron Macphail discusses the origins of Guy Fawkes Day and the plot to blow up the U.K. Parliment.


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Wednesday, November 04, 2020

Door Color and Sales Price

Brittany Annas muses on which door colors entice buyers to pay a premium price for a home.


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Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Interactive Election Prediction Map

CNN offers an interactive map of the electoral votes in play in 2020, allowing anyone to guess how states will vote and then calculate the results.


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Monday, November 02, 2020

Cyber Terrorism

Andy Greenberg notes that cyberterrorism might occur in unforeseen, even unobservable ways. Consider that scientists found that a subliminal stop sign image could confuse a Tesla into stopping in traffic.


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Sunday, November 01, 2020

League of Women Voters

The League of Women Voters has promoted knowledgeable voting for a century.


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