Logical Fallacies in Time of Pandemic
Ed Yong identifies intellectual fallacies which seem common in this pandemic.
-DDLabels: Coronavirus, Logical fallacies
Information Sources & Information Sifting Techniques
I am a retired librarian, most recently serving at Indiana Wesleyan University's Cleveland Education Center.
Ed Yong identifies intellectual fallacies which seem common in this pandemic.
-DDLabels: Coronavirus, Logical fallacies
Erik Ofgang examines the data on online education and recommends steps for success.
-DDLabels: Online Education
Cella Wright reviews typical changes in the reaction times of retirees . I wonder if the choice to retire was made because the individual felt they were passing the prime, or whether there is a deleterious effect from retirement.
-DDLabels: Brain health, retirement
Gregoty Smith addresses plagiarism in his article "Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due ."
-DDLabels: plagiarism
Kevin Indig offers insights into competitive search engine optimization techniques.
-DDLabels: SEO (search engine optimization)
Al Shaw, Abrahm Lustgarten, ProPublica, and Jeremy W. Goldsmith developed climate maps for the future of the United States as global warming progresses.
Labels: Global warming
Glenn MacPherson is studying the worldwide hum, a low frequency noise only a few experience hearing.
-DDLabels: Radio spectrum, Worldwide hum
Myron R. Anderson and Kathryn S. Young suggest how to identify microaggressions , so that people do not unwittingly commit them.
Labels: Microaggressions
Bob Pothier suggests how to organize a virtual meeting . His five points are:
Labels: Virtual meetings
Erik Ofgang offers tips for protecting at risk university faculty from COVID-19.
-DDLabels: Coronavirus, faculty
Rachel Ebner tells how to motivate students' self regulation in an online environment, teaching planning and reflection.
-DDLabels: self-motivation
Syed Balkhi suggests why following up a sale with an email is so important:
Labels: Email marking, Follow up
J. R. Raphael warns that too early release of information results in releasing too much information.
-DDLabels: Timing, Too Much Information (TMI)
Dina Gerdeman interviews Hirotaka Takeuchi about the benefits of investing in community for creating an enduring, resilient organization.
-DDLabels: Endurance
Evan DeFilippis, Stephen Michael Impink, Madison Singell, Jeffrey T. Polzer, and Raffaella Sadun discuss the expansion of online collaboration at the expense of work-life balance.
-DDLabels: Collaboration, communication, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Work Life balance
Myron R. Anderson, Ph.D., and Kathryn S. Young, Ph.D. explain the nature of a microaggression .
-DDLabels: Microagression
Rachel Layne writes about how careers stall when women scientists and their families are impacted by COVID-19.
-DDLabels: Career development, Coronavirus, interviewing
J. R. Raphael recounts a new button on chromebooks (and perhaps in future Android releases).
-DDLabels: Android apps, Chromebooks
Albert Bourla shares what Pfizer executives learned from their summer interns . Key takeaways were:
Amy Crook and Travis Crook share tips for simultaneously teaching to a classroom and online participants . To keep the online students engaged, Crook and Crook suggest that they be given roles as:
Labels: Teaching resources