Peace Benefits
Noah Smith speculates that China shall hurt its economic growth engines if it continues to nationalize growth industries and devotes a larger percentage of its economy to the military.
-DDLabels: China, Economy, Military spending
Information Sources & Information Sifting Techniques
I am a retired librarian, most recently serving at Indiana Wesleyan University's Cleveland Education Center.
Noah Smith speculates that China shall hurt its economic growth engines if it continues to nationalize growth industries and devotes a larger percentage of its economy to the military.
-DDLabels: China, Economy, Military spending
Joseph Stiglitz reports on the damage done to the economy by inequality in economic policies.
-DDLabels: economics, Economy, Equality, inequality, United States
Cait Etherington suggests that online education is losing the stigma it had a decade ago.
-DDLabels: Online Education
Brian Lavoie discusses the effort needed to preserve raw research data .
-DDLabels: archival data, care and handling of data
Bryan Alexander compiled a list of favorite mobile apps recommended by educators.
-DDLabels: mobile apps
Maria Korolov observes that old technologies are still useful in cybersecurity .
-DDLabels: data security
Jim Ludema and Amber Johnson have developed a list of books on leadership .
-DDLabels: leadership, reading list
Sarah Braley suggests ways to host events that wow the intended audience.
-DDLabels: Entertaining, events, Parties
Alice Walton reports on a study of nutrition and cognition by Zwilling et al.
-DDLabels: Brain health, Nutrition
Google's John Mueller was interviewed by Will Critchlow. Mueller explains how Google search uses the concept of Domain Authority, how Google treats subdomains versus subfolders, and the technical workings of noindex/nofollow.
-DDLabels: Google search
Patti Neighmond tells how allowing high school students to sleep until later in the day increased student wakefulness and success .
-DDLabels: Sleep
Daniel Seaton writes about using MOOCs as a collaboration tool. Seaton is an adminstrator of Harvard's collaborative collection of classroom resources, the DART project.
-DDLabels: Collaboration, MOOCs
Paul Krill wrote about Google Flutter , a platform for creating mobile apps. Krill also suggests other tools for quickly crafting mobile apps.
-DDLabels: mobile apps
Valarie Potter shares Microsoft application cheat sheets . [You may need to register with computerworld to view the sheets].
-DDLabels: Microsoft Office
Neal Weinberg answers "What is an SSD ," and contrasts them with rotating magnetic hard disk drives.
Labels: Solid state drive
Johnny Evans predicts that Apple's FaceID and TouchID technology might be used to authenticate at web sites .
-DDLabels: Apple FaceID, Biometics
DuckDuckGo reports that Google users tend to find themselves in filter bubbles due to Google's personalization of what they see.
-DDLabels: duckduckgo, filter bubble, google
Jessica Alleva cites research by Loes Meeussen,Colette Van Laar, nd Marijke Verbruggen into gender roles .
-DDLabels: gender
Mark Wilson comments on "The Cleaners ," a video of the life of cyber-censors.
-DDLabels: censorship
Brian Barrett reports that it is safe to use hotel wifi because of encrypted data transmission.
-DDLabels: WiFi Security