Laptop Privacy
Katie Rogers suggest that we follower the example of Mark Zuckerberg, and cover laptop cameras with tape .
-DDInformation Sources & Information Sifting Techniques
I am a retired librarian, most recently serving at Indiana Wesleyan University's Cleveland Education Center.
Katie Rogers suggest that we follower the example of Mark Zuckerberg, and cover laptop cameras with tape .
-DDPeter Diamandis suggests that gaming should be incorporated in learning .
-DDLabels: gaming, inquiry learning
Paul Mah reports that the only defense against ransomware is a foolproof backup.
-DDLabels: Backups, Ransomware
Brian Chen suggests "Devices That Deserve to Go Along on Vacation ."
-DDLabels: mobile technology, Vacations
Ms. Smith notes that the United States has the greatest number of security cameras that are known to be insecure. The figure is provided by insecam , which tracks the number of insecure webcameras in the United States (and in the world).
-DDSteven Erlanger reports on Britain's vote to leave the European Union .
-DDLabels: Britex, European Union
Glenn Haussman reports that hotel chains are starting to eliminate desks from guest rooms due to declining demand.
-DDDan Berrett reviews the new book Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses.
-DDBrian X. Chen suggests that it may be productive for smartphone users to avoid organizing their photos . The amount of benefit does not merit the effort, when there are search tools available to look for images.
-DDLabels: Cell phones, Digital photos, organization skills
Hewlett Packard reviews the benefits of using Creative Commons open source materials, including ways to start using them.
-DDLabels: Creative Commons
Hewlett Packard encourages companies to offer a mobile website in light of Google's decision to favor mobile-ready sites in search results. The article provides tips as to what a mobile site should provide.
-DDLabels: Mobile website
J. R. Raphael gives an update on the Google on Tap functionality in Android - a new way to search for meaning with your phone.
-DDLabels: android, Google Now On Tap, search
Natalie Houston introduces Tristan Harris and the Time Well Spent design philosophy, which encourages app designers to consider time commitment in their tool design.
Labels: time management, time sense
Robert McCarthy points out the corporate or individual mindsets which allows hackers to steal:
Labels: hacker, LUNCH, Mobile security, security
Hewlett Packard offers tips for defending or enhancing a reputation in social media. Their topics include:
Labels: institutional reputation, social media
Gregg Keizer reports that FireFox version 47 adds the ability to run ownership-restricted video content without using Flash or Silverlight plugins.
-DDLabels: Adobe Flash, Mozilla, Silverlight
Erin Marie Furtak explains how she catagorizes and tracks items in her professional writing process . Her systems allows her to work on multiple papers at one time.
-DDLabels: organization skills, scheduling
Tamara Hiller, Lanae Erickson Hatalsky and Megan John report on the quality of ot secondary education at private non-profit universities.
-DDLabels: Quality, University education