Tim Brinkhof explains how elites have displayed their wealth and position in prior eras.
-DDLabels: Wealth. Social status
Information Sources & Information Sifting Techniques
I am a retired librarian, most recently serving at Indiana Wesleyan University's Cleveland Education Center.
Tim Brinkhof explains how elites have displayed their wealth and position in prior eras.
-DDLabels: Wealth. Social status
Daniel Lieberman cautions against common exercise myths which cause people grief.
-DDLabels: Exercise, False news
David Nield discusses encyption options for Apple and Windows computers.
-DDLabels: Computers, Encryption
Isreal Ramirez exalts relationships as a critical component of healthy aging.
-DDLabels: Friendship
The United States Postal Service has a long range plan to become profitable. Some argue that a basic nationwide utility such as postal service should not be required to "turn a profit."
-DDLabels: Postal services
Chelsea Dickenson offers methods for making an overseas trip affordable. In a similar vein, readers of The Guardian have recount their own frugal holiday experiences.
Tiffany Hawk provides guidance on flying internationally, as check-in times and other routines differ from domestic flights.
Katherine Goldstein shares the stories of three American families who moved abroad.
-DDLabels: international travel, Living overseas
Chris Morris reports that those who lack a college degree often drop out of the workforce because wages for those without a college degree are so small. In the U.S.The pay differential now exceeds $20,000 annually
-DDLabels: Student Debt, University degrees
Jacklin Kwan reports on research into the unusual durability of Roman concrete . Admir Masic, an MIT chemist, determined that the Romans heated the limestone before formulating concrete. The resulting nuggets of "quicklime" provide additional adhesion in the concrete mix, helping a concrete structure retain its strength in damp environments which normally induce cracks and failure.
For more information, consult Seymour et al. (2023).
-DDLabels: Concrete, Roman engineering
Riley Moynes suggests that retirees may psychologically experience four stages :
Moynes covers this same material in his book, The Ten Lessons.
Labels: retirement
McKenzie Prillaman reports on semaglutide (Ozempic), a promising obesity drug from Novo Nordisk. She also addresses the cost of such medication regime, which is projected to be over $1,000/month.
-DDLabels: Semaglutide, Weight loss
Summer Praetorius writes of the peril of heavily stressing an environment .
-DDLabels: Global warming
Matt Bennett provides tips for successful social interactions .
-DDLabels: Popularity, Social interaction
Luise posted of her experience with a "paternoster ", and even though she providing photos I had no idea what she was writing about, until I watched a YouTube video about it. YouTube is a great source for learning about activities and things that move.
-DDLabels: Elevators, Paternoster lifts
John McWhorter explains the differences in complexity amoung the world's languages .
-DDLabels: communication, Efficiency, language