Web 20.11 From DiscoveryEducation.com
Labels: web tools for education
Information Sources & Information Sifting Techniques
I am a retired librarian, most recently serving at Indiana Wesleyan University's Cleveland Education Center.
Labels: web tools for education
Bob Sprankle has raised the issue "Are We Digital Hoarders?" With over a thousand emails in a couple of my accounts, I need to evaluate myself.
Browsys.com is a metasearch tool with a chaotic group of tools. It promises to "folders" of searches to be shared without requiring a login, which should help librarians and scholars in passing information to one another. It also offers links to a number of sites I have not previously explored.
Labels: browsys, metasearch
Microsoft's YouTube Channelwas hacked on October 22, according to an article by Computerworld reporter Lucian Constantin. It appears that someone had or obtained a password to the site and replaced Microsoft's content with their own. Constantin encourages readers to use strong passwords and to check their user profiles periodically.
Labels: hacker, Microsoft YouTube Channel
Sweetsearch.com is advertised as a search engine for students. I believe it uses Google as its search engine, but limits results to those judged to be quality sites.
Labels: moderated search, sweetsearch
Network World has been offering videos on technical issues, such as this one on restoring lost files.