Knowledge Handler

Information Sources & Information Sifting Techniques

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Location: Cleveland, Ohio, United States

I am a retired librarian, most recently serving at Indiana Wesleyan University's Cleveland Education Center.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Promoting Technology and Ideas

Tech&Learning has a good article on how to promote a specific tech tool (Wordle), and the same motivational methods apply to encouraging database use or other technologies.
The same virtual magazine has a discussion on what the ideal school library would be like -- some visions seem to threaten the stereotype of the traditional librarian. And I liked the suggestions on what role or responsiblity educators have AFTER attending a conference -- if we discover something that will work in our environment, we should promote it.


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Monday, June 01, 2009

Microsoft Bing

Microsoft Bing has been released. A nifty feature for its video search is that if you mouse over a video clip, a snippet of video begins to play. The majority of the video content seems to be from Youtube (a Google property), though it also found other sources that might have otherwise been hard to find.



Twitter Search

It is possible to search recent Twitter posts for use of a term by going to without having a Twitter account. If the URL for the search is saved as a favorite, you can repeat that search later, as seen in this example search for "Indiana Wesleyan University".

A beta search tool for Twitter and other social media is, but from looking at the results on June 1, 2009, it may just be an interface powered by - it retrieved the same tweets.

