If you look at the InfoPeople "Best Search Tools" chart (available in PDF format from http://library.home.att.net/business.html or in HTML format from http://www.infopeople.org/search/chart.html ) you will note a reference to "cache" as an option. "Cache" (prononced like "cash") means that that the search engine retains a view of the web page as it appeared when the page was indexed (crawled). If the web page has had recent modifications, the "cache" view will display the way the page looked weeks or months ago, but the search engine link will show the current web page. So selecting cache (when available) allows you a glimpse into the recent past of a website.
For viewing how your company's web site looked years ago, check-out The Wayback Machine http://www.archive.org/web/web.php. The Wayback Machine provides images of webpages for about a decade (though inclusion is spotty).