Knowledge Handler

Information Sources & Information Sifting Techniques

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Location: Cleveland, Ohio, United States

I am a retired librarian, most recently serving at Indiana Wesleyan University's Cleveland Education Center.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Printing Problems

Glitches sometimes occur when printing database search results.

If to the left of your text results there is a navigation bar, this sometimes shoves text results far enough to the right that the rightmost text is "cut off", rendering the sentences illegible. This can be dealt with in two ways:
(1) utilize a vendor-supplied "print button" that reformats the text for printing, or, (2) select the result text, and only print that.

If your PDF documents do not print, it may be that your version of the Adobe Acrobat reader is old, and the source documents have encoding that your old version does not understand. Or it could be that the PDF document is not a good match for your printer drivers and queuing software. When this occurred in my library recently with EBSCOHost documents, students tried repeatedly to print to the network printer to no avail. When I turned-off the computers, the print jobs began to pour out of the printer cache!

- DD

Monday, December 12, 2005


Knowledge is raw information, and wisdom is the art of interpreting and utilizing knowledge. Western culture demands that sources of prior knowledge be recognized, if they can be traced to an individual or organization (and are not just common knowldege). Not crediting others makes it appear that you developed the knowledge from your own experimentation or experience, and falsely claiming another's word as your own is plagiarism. A good website on plagiarism is
